We are proud to be a part of the KHS family


OGA Colombo Branch

Girls’ High School, Kandy, is 140 years old! The Colombo branch of the OGA was formulated in the early ‘50s by its founder President, Ms. Lily Jinasena and a tiny group of past pupils, who had been determined to keep alive the connections and traditions of the old school. Ours was probably the first branch of an OGA to be formed, not only amongst the Kandy schools, but even amongst the many larger Colombo girls’ colleges. We are proud to say that we’ve been in existence for over 60 years, even though…., sadly, the Colombo branch weakened and quietly died, how and why, we don’t quite know, but…, you cannot keep us old girls (who are young at heart) down for too long and lo and behold, the Colombo branch was reborn in 1978 under the able leadership of Ms. Lena Fernando, Attorney-at-Law, who held the distinction of being the first woman partner in a prestigious law firm. Ms. Fernando, ever gracious and hospitable, opened her home in Dickman’s road for meetings, parties, dinners and picnics for the 60 odd members of the OGA.

This time, the OGA, revived and rejuvenated, grew from strength to strength. The Perera sisters, Eva, Constance, Enid, Hilda and Gladys formed the back bone of the group, often accepting posts of responsibility in the committee, and soon, taking their lead, many other youngsters stepped forward to keep the Colombo Branch of the OGA not only alive, but also vibrantly active and social.

The Association grew in stature, increased in membership and widened in its scope of activities, so that the year’s calendar included Committee meetings, a picnic, the Christmas party and fund raising events ranging from ambitious dinner dances to benefit shows, trade fairs, cookery demonstrations and a coffee evening. The Association also holds its Annual General Meeting every year during which accounts are presented together with a report of its activities for the year.

The most noteworthy feature of the OGA Colombo Branch is its superb sense of close fellowship and easy fun that permeates each gathering. The dedication with which the committee undertakes all its endeavours is evident by the success of each project and the funds raised for worthy causes. The well known song from the movie Gigi, sung by a…., man of course, “Thank heaven for little girls, for they grow up……”, well, we chant a revised version of it, that goes like this “Thank heaven for KHS girls, they group to be loyal Old Girls…!”


OGA Kandy Branch


The Old Girls’ Association of the Girls’ High School Kandy (now Kandy High School) celebrated its centenary in 2009. Formed on 08 March 1909, it has rendered a great contribution to the development of the school throughout the years. Its present membership stands at approximately 2,800 life members and a committee of 26 members which includes the executive committee. The President is the Principal of KHS, Mrs. Malkanthi Abeygunasekera, the Secretary, Mrs. Umayangani Abyayaratna and the Treasurer, Mrs. Karminie Kodituwakku.

The Association’s objectives are:

  • to bind together all past pupils of KHS in a fellowship which will be real and lasting
  • to ensure a close relationship between the staff of the school and the members of the OGA
  • to keep the past pupils in touch with the school and with each other
  • to supply them with news of the school and OGA activities
  • to give an opportunity for the past pupils to contribute to the development, growth and betterment of the school in every way possible.

The OGA Kandy Branch involves itself in the administration of the school by assisting the year 1 admission panel. It also contributes heavily in the following areas: developing the school’s infrastructure, helping needy students, assisting in sports and extracurricular activities, felicitating past teachers, holding events for the general membership and also carrying out charitable work for the community.


Efficiency is Doing things Right, Effectiveness is Doing the Right Things.

Nobody can do Everything, but Everyone can do Something.

Nothing is Interesting if you’re Not Interested.